GMP Water Heating - Chemical Engineering Press Release
Suncombe water heater adds electric functionality
This company has launched updated GMP Water Heating Skids that incorporate the option to provide electrical heating utility in addition to steam and oil. The increased flexibility of the system enables its use in further GMP areas in the biopharmaceutical sector and other critical processing sectors. The company offers options to incorporate electrical heat pumps, regeneration and recovery heating to achieve corporate sustainability goals. With variable temperature settings up to 125°C and flowrates of 1,000 L/min or more, the versatile control system allows configuration of temperarure controlled, regulated flowrate and pressure during heating, storing and distributing of hot water for process and utilities. Designed to comply with ASME BPE (Bioprocessing Equipment), they include compliance with the 2D dead-leg rule, full drainability, full traceability and are suitable for validation.