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Modern Slavery Statement

Suncombe Limited

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement


The statement sets down Suncombe’s commitment to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our business activities and the steps we have put in place with the aim of ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our own business and supply chains. We all have a duty to be alert to risks, however small. Staff are expected to report their concerns and management to act upon them.

Organisational structure and Supply Chains

Suncombe Limited (the “Company”) specializes in the design, manufacture and supply of cleaning and decontamination systems for critical process systems across a wide range of applications. The Company is registered in the UK under company number 00745960 and is based entirely in the London region. The Company is classified as a “small business” in accordance with UK government guidance and has a very simple and flat organizational structure, managed by the directors, who are also the business owners. Design work is carried out by Company’s own employed engineers. Manufacturing is achieved through a combination of in-house technical resources and outsourced suppliers. All equipment manufactured is assembled and fully tested at the Company premises before being shipped to the customer’s site. The Company provides on-site services to assist with installation, commissioning, testing and handover of equipment. Some on site services are provided with in-house resources and some by third party sub-contractors.

Internal Operations – Employees and Contractors

Given the small nature of the business and the direct involvement of the directors in all decision making relating to employees and contractors there are no operations carried out internally which carry a risk of slavery or human trafficking.

Outsourced Suppliers or Subcontractors

The Company’s supply chain is dominated by companies that are well known to us and with whom we have a long-standing business relationship – most of whom are based in the UK. Based our knowledge of these companies over many years we have a high level of confidence that they do not practice slavery or human trafficking.

The Company makes clear to all those in the supply chain the importance we place on the prevention of slavery and human trafficking as a condition of our continuing to do business with them.

Some component parts purchased for incorporation in our equipment are supplied by larger companies with whom we do not have any deeper business relationship. In these cases we strive to select suppliers who are renowned and respected for their strong ethical and corporate social responsibility profile.


To ensure a good understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains, the Company requires all employees to read and understand this Statement and our policy on Corporate Social Responsibility.

Further details can be found in the UK Government’s Modern Slavery Act 2015.

This Statement has been approved and authorised by:

Name: Dave Adam Overton
Position: Director
Date: 1st December 2021
Due for Review by: 1st December 2022

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